


 &nbsp; 半角スペース


<&lt;<Left angle bracket
>&gt;>Right angle bracket
&quot;"Duble quote mark
 &nbsp; Nonbreaking space
¡&iexcl;¡Inverted exclamation mark
¢&cent;¢Cent sign
£&pound;£Pound sterling symbol
¤&curren;¤Currency symbol
¥&yen;¥Yen symbol
¦&brvbar;¦Broken vertical bar
§&sect;§Section symbol
©&copy;©Copyright sign
ª&ordf;ªOrdinal indicator,Feminine
«&laquo;«Left angle quote mark
¬&not;¬“not” symbol
&shy;­Soft hyphen
®&reg;®Registered trademark symbol
°&deg;°Degree symbol
±&plusmn;±Plus/minus symbol
²&sup2;²Superscript two
³&sup3;³Superscript three
´&acute;´Acute accent
µ&micro;µMicro symbol
&para;Paragraph symbol
·&middot;·Middle dot
¹&sup1;¹Superscript one
º&ordm;ºOrdinal indicator
»&raquo;»Angle quote mark, right
¼&frac14;¼Fraction one quarter
½&frac12;½Fraction one half
¾&frac34;¾Fraction three quarters
¿&iquest;¿Inverted question mark
À&Agrave;ÀLatin capital A with accent
Á&Aacute;ÁLatin capital A with acute accent
Â&Acirc;ÂLatin capital A with circumflex
Ã&Atilde;ÃLatin capital A with tilde accent
Ä&Auml;ÄLatin capital A with diaeresis accent
Å&Aring;ÅLatin capital A with ring above
Æ&AElig;ÆLatin capital AE diphthong
Ç&Ccedil;ÇLatin capital C with cedilla
È&Egrave;ÈLatin capital E with grave accent
É&Eacute;ÉLatin capital E with acute accent
Ê&Ecirc;ÊLatin capital E with circumflex
Ë&Euml;ËLatin capital E with umlaut
Ì&Igrave;ÌLatin capital I with grave accent
Í&Iacute;ÍLatin capital I with acute accent
Î&Icirc;ÎLatin capital I with circumflex
Ï&Iuml;ÏLatin capital I with diaeresis accent
Ð&ETH;ÐLatin capital “Tth” (Icelandic)
Ñ&Ntilde;ÑLatin capital N with tilde
Ò&Ograve;ÒLatin capital O with grave accent
Ó&Oacute;ÓLatin capital O with acute accent
Ô&Ocirc;ÔLatin capital O with circumflex
Õ&Otilde;ÕLatin capital O with tilde
Ö&Ouml;ÖLatin capital O with umlaut
×&times;×Multiplication symbol
Ø&Oslash;ØLatin capital O with slash
Ù&Ugrave;ÙLatin capital U with grave accent
Ú&Uacute;ÚLatin capital U with acute accent
Û&Ucirc;ÛLatin capital U with circumflex
Ü&Uuml;ÜLatin capital U with umlaut accent
Ý&Yacute;ÝLatin capital Y with acute accent
Þ&THORN;ÞLatin capital “Thorn” (Icelandic)
ß&szlig;ßLatin small sharp s (German)
à&agrave;àLatin small a with grave accent
á&aacute;áLatin small a with acute accent
â&acirc;âLatin small a with circumflex
ã&atilde;ãLatin small a with tilde
ä&auml;äLatin small a with umlaut mark
å&aring;åLatin small a with ring
æ&aelig;æLatin small ae dipththong (Ligature)
ç&ccedil;çLatin small c with cedilla
è&egrave;èLatin small e with grave accent
é&eacute;éLatin small e with acute accent
ê&ecirc;êLatin small e with circumflex
ë&euml;ëLatin small e with umlaut mark
ì&igrave;ìLatin small i with grave accent
í&iacute;íLatin small i with acute accent
î&icirc;îLatin small i with circumflex
ï&iuml;ïLatin small i with umlaut mark
ð&eth;ðLatin small “eth” (Icelandic)
ñ&ntilde;ñLatin small n with tilde
ò&ograve;òLatin small o with grave accent
ó&oacute;óLatin small o with acute accent
ô&ocirc;ôLatin small o with circumflex
õ&otilde;õLatin small o with tilde
ö&ouml;öLatin small o with umlaut mark
÷&divide;÷Division symbol
ø&oslash;øLatin small o with slash
ù&ugrave;ùLatin small u with grave accent
ú&uacute;úLatin small u with acute accent
û&ucirc;ûLatin small u with circumflex
ü&uuml;üLatin small u with umlaut mark
ý&yacute;ýLatin small y with acute accent
þ&thorn;þLatin small “Thorn” (Icelandic)
ÿ&yuml;ÿLatin small y with umlaut mark
Α&Alpha;ΑGreek capital letter alpha
Β&Beta;ΒGreek capital letter beta
Γ&Gamma;ΓGreek capital letter gamma
Δ&Delta;ΔGreek capital letter delta
Ε&Epsilon;ΕGreek capital letter epsilon
Ζ&Zeta;ΖGreek capital letter zeta
Η&Eta;ΗGreek capital letter eta
Θ&Theta;ΘGreek capital letter theta
Ι&Iota;ΙGreek capital letter iota
Κ&Kappa;ΚGreek capital letter kappa
Λ&Lambda;ΛGreek capital letter lambda
Μ&Mu;ΜGreek capital letter mu
Ν&Nu;ΝGreek capital letter nu
Ξ&Xi;ΞGreek capital letter xi
Ο&Omicron;ΟGreek capital letter omicron
Π&Pi;ΠGreek capital letter pi
Ρ&Pho;ΡGreek capital letter rho
Σ&Sigma;ΣGreek capital letter sigma
Τ&Tau;ΤGreek capital letter Tau
Υ&Upsilon;ΥGreek capital letter upsilon
Φ&Phi;ΦGreek capital letter phi
Χ&Chi;ΧGreek capital letter chi
Ψ&Psi;ΨGreek capital letter psi
Ω&Omega;ΩGreek capital letter omega
α&alpha;αGreek small letter alpha
β&beta;βGreek small letter beta
γ&gamma;γGreek small letter gamma
δ&delta;δGreek small letter delta
ε&epsilon;εGreek small letter epsilon
ζ&zeta;ζGreek small letter zeta
η&eta;ηGreek small letter eta
θ&theta;θGreek small letter theta
ι&iota;ιGreek small letter iota
κ&kappa;κGreek small letter kappa
λ&lambda;λGreek small letter lambda
μ&mu;μGreek small letter mu
ν&nu;νGreek small letter nu
ξ&xi;ξGreek small letter xi
ο&omicron;οGreek small letter omicron
π&pi;πGreek small letter pi
ρ&rho;ρGreek small letter rho
ς&sigmaf;ςGreek small letter final sigma
σ&sigma;σGreek small letter sigma
τ&tau;τGreek small letter tau
υ&upsilon;υGreek small letter upsilon
φ&phi;φGreek small letter phi
χ&chi;χGreek small letter chi
ψ&psi;ψGreek small letter psi
ω&omega;ωGreek small letter omega
&ndash;en size dash
&mdash;em size dash
&lsquo;Left single quotation mark
&rsquo;Right single quotation mark
&sbquo;Low single quotation mark
&ldquo;Left double quotation mark
&rdquo;Right double quotation mark
&bdquo;Low double quotation mark
&dagger;Dagger mark
&Dagger;Double dagger mark
&bull;Bullet, Black small circle
&hellip;Three dot leader
&permil;Per mille sign
&prime;Prime, Minutes
&Prime;Double prime, Seconds
&lsaquo;Single left angle quotation mark
&rsaquo;Single right angle quotation mark
&oline;Overline, Spacing overscore
&frasl;Fraction slash
&euro;Euro sign
&weierp;Script capital P
&image;Blackletter capital I
&real;Blackletter capital R
&trade;Trade mark sign
&alefsym;Aref Symbol
&larr;Leftwards arrow
&rarr;Rightwards arrow
&darr;Downwards arrow
&harr;Left right arrow
&crarr;Carrige return symbol
&lArr;Leftwards double arrow
&uArr;Upwards double arrow
&rArr;Rightwards double arrow
&dArr;Downwards double arrow
&hArr;Left right double arrow
&spades;Black spade suit
&clubs;Black club suit, Shamrock
&hearts;Black heart suit, Valentine
&diams;Black diamond suit
&forall;For all
&part;Partial differential
&exist;There exists
&empty;Empty set, Null set
&nabla;Nabla, Backward difference
&isin;Elemant of
&notin;Not an elemant of
&ni;Contains as member
&prod;n-ary product, Product sign
&sum;n-ary sumation
&minus;Minus sign
&lowast;Asterisk operator
&radic;Square root, Radical sign
&prop;Proportional to
&and;Logical and, Wedge
&or;Logical or, Vee
&cap;Intersection, Cap
&cup;Union, Cup
&sim;Tilde opetator, Varies with
&cong;Approximately equal to
&asymp;Almost equal to
&ne;Not equal to
&equiv;Identical to
&le;Less then or equal to
&ge;Greate then or equal to
&sub;Subset of
&sup;Superset of
&nsub;Not a superset of
&sube;Subset of or equal to
&supe;Superset of or equal to
&oplus;Circled plus, Direct sum
&otimes;Circled times, Vector product
&perp;Up tack















